
the road to new things

My Why

I have been making lifestyle changes for sometime now, over the last couple of years I have felt more eager to make some real changes. In 2015 after months of pain and swelling along with extreme fatigue, I finally had a diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, my Rhematologist said we had caught it early but it was very aggressive so I was given the diagnosis of moderate to sever RA and put on all the medications that are reccomended by insurance, it was brutal!

After the 90 day requirement on the insurance recommended medication I was able to switch to the biologics which were better but still not quite enough to stop the pain and fatigue I was struggling with. I tried this way for a couple of years before I had a very severe flare up and was really sick. I had a false positive TB test, my body was starting to become extremely weak and tired, I was out of work and basically in bed for a month! My doctor had to take me off all of my RA meds (they are immunosupresents so the infections could have killed me) until I was clear of all symptoms. Since I had no medication I started searching out natural remedies to help with inflammation and fatigue, I found CBD oil and began using that to try to eleviate my symptoms and get back to feeling normal! It really helped, I felt better after about a month on the oil than I had felt in the past 2 1/2 years on pharmaceuticals. This started my journey into natural health and wellness! I had to leave the my job in healthcare because of my struggles with RA, it was to demanding and to be honest I wasn’t 100% back to healthy yet so I joined an MLM cbd company to help out financially but slowly realized that was not for me so my son and I started what was then called Grandma Tee’s Bath, Body and Wellness!

After a few tweaks and rebrands we have renamed our company Peak Botanicals. I have always had a passion for health care, herbs and loose leaf tea’s, so I wanted to incorporate everything I love doing under one brand.

Some of the major life changes I am emplementing as I start this journey into midlife is getting back into school, I have been enrolled in an herbalism program and want to use my passion for health care and natural healing as a clinical herbalist to help my community and those who are looking for a natural alternative to health and wellbeing.

I strongly believe in promoting holistic wellness and empowering individuals to embrace this new phase of life.

picture of the beach

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